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Agnes Monica Muljoto is an Indonesian pop music singer, dancer and actress. She was born in Jakarta, 01 Juli 1986. Her album …and the story goes… released in 2003 made her popular as a singer. She is recognized in many Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. She has held concerts in Malaysia and Brunei as well. As a child she became a singer and released three albums called Si Meong, Yess and Bala-bala, and became a presenter in VAN (Video Anak Anteve), Tralala-Trilili in RCTI and Diva Romeo in Trans TV. In 1999 she got an award from Panasonic Awards. In 2004 she played in two series, Bunga Perawan and Cantik. In 2005 she released her second album titled Whaddup A. She collaborated with US singer Keith Martin for the album. In 2006, Agnes was involved in shooting the drama The Hospital in Taiwan, where she acted alongside Jerry Yan, a member of F4. She plans to start her music career in USA. Agnes still has not started her “international debut”, she managed to win an award at the Asia Song Festival 2008 held in Seoul, Korea.
The result of HAI Magazine annual poll 2008 is revealed on the 2009 January issue. Based on the judgment of 3,500 readers to vote their favorite musicians, the famous magazine finally determined the winners of 13 categories. And Agnes Monica wins Best Female Singer 2008 according to HAI Magazine annual poll.
Agnes Monica is almost perfect, not only talent-wise but also personality-wise. Not many people know that she’s the kind of philanthropy, who once had dozens of stepchildren from the tsunami victims in Aceh, and the earthquake victims in Central Java.

Photo source: Kapanlagi.Com

2 Sweet Notes:

  1. hello............
    pa kabar.....
    salam knal yah...tukeren link bolehkah...

  2. bolhe knalan........
    kalau yah ntar dibalas yah and tuker lik gmana


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